Color schemes - get inspiration from t-shirt designs

We have been doing some research on color schemes recently - how to create them and where to get inspiration from. Adobe's Kuler is just great. The idea to take colors from nature - or more precisely from butterflies - is amazing. But what striked me most was one of the hints the great Jon Hicks gave in his talk "How to be a Creative Sponge" at this year's @media conference in London. If you are a designer you should definately have a look at his slides if you couldn't make it to the conference. Besides many other great things Jon showed an example (see slide #69) of a website he designed, for which he took the colors (and even more, but I'm going to focus on that aspect) from a t-shirt design by threadless.


We have been doing some research on color schemes recently - how to create them and where to get inspiration from. Adobe's Kuler is just great. The idea to take colors from nature - or more precisely from butterflies - is amazing. But what striked me most was one of the hints the great Jon Hicks gave in his talk "How to be a Creative Sponge" at this year's @media conference in London. If you are a designer you should definately have a look at his slides if you couldn't make it to the conference. Besides many other great things Jon showed an example (see slide #69) of a website he designed, for which he took the colors (and even more, but I'm going to focus on that aspect) from a t-shirt design by threadless.

Being a happy threadless customer and liking Jon's idea very much, I grabbed all the shirt designs from (regex + bash + curl saved my life!), semi-automagically extracted the colors from the images, and what I got was quite an impressive number of color schemes of different kinds. We have some really classique ones, some not very usable ones, and some really really really beautiful ones.

Have a look at the whole set which includes about 300 color schemes at the time. I'm trying to update the list as soon as the guys at threadless release new designs.

If you leave a comment telling which schemes you like most, I will compile a best-of collection of these.

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